process IV - spheres
Ball made from cleavers (galium aparine)
Phormium is a genus of two plant species in the Asphodelaceae family. The two species are widely known in New Zealand as 'flax' and elsewhere as New Zealand flax or flax lily but are not closely related to flax (Linum usitatissimum), which is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and which has been used by humans since 30,000 B.C.
(Wikipedia, 2020)
Phormium sphere
Stitched with phormium fibre -
Phormium seed form
Stitched with Phormium fibre. -
Crumpled cleavers ball on gate pillar
A large handful of cleavers (galium aparine) was crushed to make a ball and left to dry. -
Phormium sphere
Construction in progress -
Phormium sphere
Stitching -
sphere (sfĭr) n.
1. Mathematics A three-dimensional surface, all points of which are equidistant from a fixed point.
2. A spherical object or figure.
3. A celestial body, such as a planet or star.
4. The sky, appearing as a hemisphere to an observer: the sphere of the heavens.
5. Any of a series of concentric, transparent, revolving globes that together were once thought to contain the moon, sun, planets, and stars.
Stinking Iris sphere
Unpleasant to work with due to its strong smell. I won't be using this plant again. -
Iris foetidissima sphere
Placed in a sea buckthorn tree. -
Cinquefoil sphere
This plant spreads all round the garden, through runners rather than seeds. Very invasive.
The sphere was difficult to weave as the plant was so floppy. I had to wait until it had partly dried in order to get the form to hold together.
Pleased with the result though. -
Phormium sphere
Would be interesting to weave phormium fibre around and between the sphere structure. -
Nested seed forms
Sphere of Iris Foetidissima nested within Phormium ball -
Nested spheres
A small Iris Foetidissima sphere trapped inside a Phormium ball. -
Phormium sphere
Libertia sphere
The straplike leaves of the LIbertia created a pleasing sphere but was tricky to work with as it was quite slippery. No horrible smell though so that was a plus. -
moving in the wind (see
Platonic solid
symmetry and control
centrifugal force
Plant spheres make interesting cat playthings
Moon and planets
An armillary sphere garden ornament
Whilst making the circular forms I was constantly reminded of armillary spheres and garden ornaments inspired by them. -
Deformed phormium sphere
This ball was made with the phormium leaf top surface (shiny) outermost. As the leaves curl up longitudinally inwards, the sphere deformed badly when it dried.
Very interesting shape though. It would be worth experimenting with this in the future. -
Two deformed spheres stacked
Two phormium balls, both badly deformed, but creating intriguing lines and shapes when stacked together. -
Libertia sphere in thyme
Sphere with crossing elements
An attempt to stabilise the forms but tricky to do.
Holes were cut into the outer leaves for the cross piece to fit into. Issues with splitting. -
Small phormium sphere in pot
Phormium sphere